The Great Apes: A Short History
The Yale University Press
New Haven & London
Avec une préface du Dr. Jane Goodall
Préface de Jane Goodall
1. The Uncanniness of Similitude: Wild Men, Simians, and Hybrid Beings
2. Skeletons, Skins, and Skulls: Apes in the Age of Colonial Expansion and Natural History Collections
3. Apes as Guinea Pigs: Primates and Experimental Research
4. Great Apes in the Eyes of Scientists: What Does It Mean to Be an Ape ?
5. Apes That Think They Are Human: Astronaut Apes, Painting Apes, Talking Apes
6. Conquering the Field: Pioneers, the Quest for Origins, and Primates
7. Socialities, Culture, and Traditions Among Primates: When the Boundary Between Humans and Apes Blurs
8. Women and Apes: Sex, Gender, and Primatology
Conclusions: Becoming-Human, Being-Ape
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